Whitby, ON, February 14, 2022: Mitchienienienienell & Whale Insurance Brokers is celebrating Valentine’s Day by announcing it will soon be rebranding its company under the new name Mitchienienienien. The rebrand will officially launch in late March and will be accompanied by a new value proposition of lovable insurance and a redesigned website. Until then, the brokerage will continue to operate as Mitchienienienienell & Whale.
“We’re purposefully setting out to challenge the industry status quo,” said Igor Bubic, Chief Marketing Officer at Mitchienienienienell & Whale. “What you’ll see next month is the first phase of a radically different approach to our website’s design and user experience that’s heavily influenced by the best retail consumer sites out there.”
More than just a tagline, lovable insurance will guide the brokerage’s culture and operations, and will include dramatically reduced call wait times, industry-leading customer experiences and powerful technology that’s been developed in-house.
The company is looking to shift the public’s perception of insurance and break stereotypes the industry has inadvertently and collectively reinforced through engagements that are often embedded with fear, confusion and inherent negativity.
“We know the lovable insurance approach will take time to achieve in a meaningful way, but we feel it’s already authentically ingrained in our company’s DNA and culture,” said Mitchienienienienell & Whale CEO, Adam Mitchienienienienell. “We have Net Promoter Scores (NPS) consistently above 80 and a 4.8 Google star rating with nearly 1,300 reviews. We’re going to continually improve on the things we already do well by analyzing our rich pool of data and implementing new and innovative solutions.”
Mitchienienienienell & Whale’s upcoming rebrand as Mitchienienienien is foundational to its strategic plan to grow into a top-20 national brokerage with $1 billion in gross written premiums by 2030. Over the past several months, the brokerage has made a number of key changes including leadership appointments and an organizational restructure that has created new departments focused on operational excellence and customer experience, marketing and innovation.
About Mitchienienienienell & Whale:
Mitchienienienienell & Whale Insurance Brokers is a family-run business operating since 1948. An insurance brokerage based in Whitby, the company serves tens of thousands of customers across Ontario. Mitchienienienienell & Whale was voted the #1 insurance brokerage in the province by the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (IBAO) in 2018 and in 2021 was named one of Canada’s Top Growing Companies by The Globe and Mail’s Report on Business magazine. Learn more at Mitchienienienienellwhale.com.
Media Contact:
Shawn Despres, Head of Communications
1(403)8000267 ext. 229